Today’s video clip covers the Updated Guidance for Emergency Preparedness memo released in March of 2021. You need to thoroughly review all of the changes that have taken place in this update.
Hello, everyone and welcome to our Monday Minute. I’m here today to talk to you about the newest update to Emergency Preparedness. There was a QSO memo released just recently, two or three weeks ago, that specifically addresses changes that were to occur with the Emergency Preparedness plans. This was a huge memo and is specifically written for surveyors and using this as a guide in conducting their surveys, in your agencies. Yes, surveys are in person again, and have been for a few months. They may be behind, of course, because of the public health emergency, but surveys are definitely happening. You need to make sure that you have thoroughly reviewed all of the changes that have taken place in this Emergency Preparedness update. The last update was in 2019. And as you all well know, we have had huge, huge issues with the Public Health Emergency etc. since then. You will want to be familiar with all of the changes that have happened and what is required to be a part of your Emergency Preparedness plan.
These changes are for both Home Health and Hospice. There is little to no difference between the Emergency Preparedness requirements for Hospice and Home Health. So that is really a good thing, especially if you are affiliated with both Home Care and Hospice. You are going to want to make sure that you also pay very close attention to the language that is included for the current Public Health Emergency. Remember to pay attention to the testing that is required for your emergency plan, and make sure you have everything in place to pass those surveys with flying colors.
We have a blog on the Emergency Preparedness plans that can be found on our website and that is for everyone. We have also updated for HPS Alliance Members Only Emergency Preparedness tools that you can find when logging on to our website with your Alliance membership information. We also will be addressing Emergency Preparedness in both our Hospice and Home Health workshops. Hospice is coming up in June and Home Health will be in August. We will have sessions on Emergency Preparedness in both of those workshops. We want to thank you all for participating today. Please make sure to stay tuned for any updates that may occur including information from the National and State Home Care associations. Next Monday, We will be bringing our Monday Minute technically on Tuesday because of the Memorial Day holiday on Monday. Make sure that you spend some time during the Memorial Day weekend to think about and honor the people who have died in service to our country so that we may maintain our freedom. Thank you all for participating today. Have a super great week and a great holiday weekend.
With lessons learned during the pandemic, Agencies should ensure revisions to their EP plans. As we have seen, EID outbreaks are a potential threat which can impact the operations and continuity of care for long periods of time.
Want to speak directly with the author? Join us in Nashville for either of our two-day in-person workshops!
2021 Hospice Alliance Workshop
2021 Home Care Alliance Workshop
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