Clinical Compliance Consulting for Home Care & Hospice Agencies

HPS offers several clinical and operations consulting services that will minimize risk, maximize productivity, and optimize your agency’s revenue cycle and overall operations.

Mock Surveys

Whether Home Care or Hospice, whether initial certification survey or recertification survey, HPS onsite mock surveys prepare agencies to be survey ready at all times. HPS stands ready to assist in all aspects of survey readiness with highly experienced clinical consultants. Following the mock survey, a detailed report is provided to guide your agency to survey success. In addition to the above procedures, HPS will also clinically review a sample of active and discharged patient records to identify potential compliance and regulatory documentation issues and perform home visits with a sample of clinicians.

Mock surveys include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Home Care or Hospice Organizational Structure
  • Service/Business License & CLIA certificate (if applicable)
  • Agency Policies & Procedures
  • Agency Contracts
  • Minutes of Governing Body
  • Operating Budget
  • Continuing Education Program
  • Infection Control Program
  • Quality Assessment & Performance Improvement (QAPI) Program
  • Emergency Preparedness Program
  • Patient Records/Documentation, including OASIS transmission (HHA)
  • Patient Admission Packet including Marketing Material
  • Home observation patient visits with agency staff
  • Sample of Personnel Records
  • Home Health Aide Training and/or Competency Program
  • Case Conferences, if applicable
  • Bereavement Program (Hospice)
  • Volunteer Program (Hospice)

CHAP Certified Consultants at HPS

HPS ensures that the consultant is highly knowledgeable, experienced, and competent in their area of practice, as they must pass rigorous assessments to demonstrate these qualifications. Our consultants receive regular continuing education in order to stay up-to-date on changes in healthcare technology, trends in patient care, and other important topics affecting the field. With all these measures in place, working with a CHAP Certified Consultant provides Home Care and Hospice agencies with the confidence that their patients are receiving the highest possible level of quality care and support.

CHAP Certified Consultants at Healthcare Provider Solutions can assist with ensuring you have an effective QAPI program in place to improve patient care outcomes and agency performance while maintaining regulatory compliance with the Medicare Conditions of Participation and standards of the QAPI program. Our consultants can also assist you with an onsite mock survey to ensure your agency is survey ready at all times. A mock survey with HPS will result in not only survey readiness findings, but includes assistance with a corrective action plan and the implementation of that plan.

CHAP Certified Quality Assurance/Performance Improvement (QAPI)

Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) – process dedicated to achieving positive results for your agency, individual employees and patients. The process helps identify factors that contribute to a desired performance or outcome and how those factors can be maintained, improved or strengthened across the spectrum of care.

Home health agencies and Hospices employ a variety of methods in monitoring quality performance and improvement in outcomes including, continuous quality improvement, quality assurance, quality management, process improvement and positive outcome-based quality measures.

Home Health and Hospice agencies must develop, implement, evaluate and maintain an effective, ongoing, agency wide, data driven program and be able to demonstrate to CMS its operations by maintaining documentary evidence of its QAPI program.

The CHAP Verified HPS Clinical Compliance Consulting team is able to provide comprehensive support and guidance when it comes to developing, creating, and managing an effective QAPI program. This program should not only meet all relevant Medicare Conditions of Participation and other regulatory requirements, but also be designed to improve patient care outcomes and agency performance. The team can review existing programs or help craft a new one from scratch, making sure that all necessary components are included for the highest level of compliance possible.

  • Review current or assist in developing QAPI program for regulatory compliance and provide recommendations.
  • Develop agency annual QAPI plan to be approved by the governing body by identifying agency specific quality indicators for data collection and analysis including clinical record reviews.
  • Assist with developing and implementing Performance Improvement Projects (PIPs) to ensure proper data is being collected with focus on High Risk, High Volume or Problem prone areas.
  • Complete quarterly chart reviews to be included in the data collection and analysis used to identify trends for opportunities for quality improvement.

Have peace of mind in working with a CHAP Certified Consultant at HPS

Working with a CHAP Certified Consultant from HPS ensures that the consultant is highly knowledgeable, experienced, and competent in their area of practice, as they must pass rigorous assessments to demonstrate these qualifications. HPS stands ready to assist in all aspects of survey readiness with our highly experienced CHAP Certified Consultants.

Clinical Compliance Chart Reviews

All Medicare certified home care and hospice agencies are required to conduct quarterly clinical compliance consulting chart reviews per the Conditions of Participation (CoPs). HPS is prepared to help you meet this requirement. HPS can perform these reviews on a quarterly, semi-annually, annually or on an as needed basis. These reviews can be performed on-site or remotely.

The charts will be reviewed for compliance with frequency and duration of orders, appropriately documented and signed physician orders prior to billing, OASIS submission & acceptance prior to billing, etc. You will also be provided a full Error Summary.

Our review staff will be available for one-on-one consultations with clinical staff that are struggling with home care or hospice documentation. All chart reviews will be conducted by qualified consultants with the clinical and billing expertise necessary to identify compliance and regulatory issues to maintain seamless documentation

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Why Agencies Choose HPS

“Melinda, Mark, and their staff are professional, honest, responsive, and true thought leaders. Their expertise enabled our agency to realize significant cash flow improvements and clinically focused operational advancements.”

Consulting Client

“It’s so reassuring to have experts managing our accounts and know that it’s being done ethically and ‘by the book.’ Our days in AR have never been so low. “

Home Care Agency Director

“HPS helped me reduce my aging by $140,601. Thank you sounds kind of hollow for such a feat, so I will capitalize it: THANK YOU!”

Colorado Hospice Provider


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Healthcare Provider Solutions proudly affiliates with the national Home Care & Hospice Associations and many state associations.

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