ICD-10-CM Education
HPS ICD-10-CM Training equips home health staff with the education they need to empower their agency to achieve success.
ICD-10-CM Training
Healthcare Provider Solutions (HPS) is now offering introductory and intermediate ICD-10-CM Coding training for home health professionals, taught by certified specialists.

Introduction to ICD-10 Coding for Home Health Professionals
Our two-day, 16-hour virtual program is designed to introduce beginners to the ICD-10 code set structure, Official Guidelines and Conventions, and detailed chapter by chapter guidance for accurate coding of claims. Our classes combine conceptual instruction with hands-on practice, using real-to-life patient scenarios. Participants will develop proficiency in identifying the correct code assignment based on the patient’s medical record and the code book. This training offers flexibility, with sessions available in minimum 2-hour time blocks.

Intermediate ICD-10 Coding for Home Health Professionals
Our two-day, 12-hour virtual training is designed for experienced coders aiming to enhance their skills, accuracy, and proficiency. The classes cover recent changes in guidance, provide insights into how precise coding influences payment under PDGM, and include patient scenarios for practice and review. This training offers flexibility, with sessions available in minimum 2-hour time blocks.
* Training includes detailed handouts, true-to-life practice scenarios, and reference tools. Classes are available for on-site training or live, virtual, interactive classroom settings that can be delivered in scheduled 2-hour sessions to accommodate staffing needs. If you’re interested in ICD-10-CM on-site training, click here.