Operations Process Consulting

HPS offers several clinical and operations consulting services that will maximize productivity, and optimize your agency’s overall operations.

Operations Process Reviews

The HPS operations process consulting will evaluate all operations processes from intake through and including clearing claims to the revenue cycle department to bill. These reviews typically identify internal control weaknesses, inefficiencies in processes and missing compliance procedures. We can also provide an assessment of your current staffing levels based on your revenue volume. The review will include interviews and observation of key individuals involved in the day to day processes.

Recommendations will be made regarding job descriptions, current duties, documentation flow, tracking mechanisms, and overall organizational structure.

These process reviews typically are performed in conjunction with a billing and collection process review to ascertain that claims released to the revenue cycle department are getting billed and collected in a timely manner. The back office functions typically reviewed are auditing, billing, collections, and cash posting.

Empower Your Agency with Our Team of Experienced Clinicians

Healthcare Provider Solutions shares a look at our primary goals when supporting home care and hospice agencies on the clinical level.

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Performance Reporting Reviews

Performance and quality measures are familiar industry terms that require attention and the maze of reporting surrounding these measures is complex. Accessing, understanding, and utilizing these reports can be a challenge. Regulations continue to change to financially reward agencies that are providing higher quality outcomes. Our operations process consulting team can assist you in accessing and evaluating this data to make better management decisions. Below is a partial listing of regulatory reports necessary to keep your agency on track:

  • Care Compare — Home Care or Hospice
  • Certification & Survey Provider Enhanced Reports (CASPER)
  • Quality Assurance & Performance Improvement (QAPI)
  • Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic Report (PEPPER)
  • Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems (CAHPS) Home Health & Hospice
  • Quality of Patient Care (QoPC) Star Ratings
  • Value-Based Purchasing (VBP)

Interim Clinical Operation Management

HPS can provide interim clinical operations management when an agency has an unanticipated vacancy to key operations staff. Recruiting and hiring the right leadership staff for your agency can be a time-consuming process. It is critical to have this role in place during any type of leadership transition.

  • Assist in the interview process of potential clinical operations candidates
  • Provide an on-site clinical operations manager
  • Provide training to current staff to remedy any knowledge deficits
  • Put systems in place to support Agency’s clinical policy and procedures
  • Provide consistent reporting to organization leadership

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Why Agencies Choose HPS

“Melinda, Mark, and their staff are professional, honest, responsive, and true thought leaders. Their expertise enabled our agency to realize significant cash flow improvements and clinically focused operational advancements.”

Consulting Client

“It’s so reassuring to have experts managing our accounts and know that it’s being done ethically and ‘by the book.’ Our days in AR have never been so low. “

Home Care Agency Director

“HPS helped me reduce my aging by $140,601. Thank you sounds kind of hollow for such a feat, so I will capitalize it: THANK YOU!”

Colorado Hospice Provider

Healthcare Provider Solutions proudly affiliates with the national Home Care & Hospice Associations and many state associations.

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