Archives: 2019, January

Agencies at Risk for Missing FIPS Codes
By Melinda Gaboury / Posted on: January 30, 2019Home Health Agencies across the country are at risk for penalties and recouped claims if the FIPS code is NOT reported on ALL CLAIMS!

New Hospice Comprehensive Assessment Measure added to Hospice Compare
By Leslie Heagy, RN, COS-C / Posted on: January 18, 2019The NEW Hospice Comprehensive Assessment Measure takes these 7 individual measures and combines them into a single metric. This measure is an “all-or-none” measure, which means that in order to receive credit, the hospice must successfully complete ALL 7 care processes for which the patient is eligible.

Hospice Item Added to OIG Work Plan – Protecting Medicare Hospice Beneficiaries from Harm
By Leslie Heagy, RN, COS-C / Posted on: January 2, 2019The OIG released a hospice portfolio report Vulnerabilities in the Medicare Hospice Program Affect Quality Care and Program Integrity in July of 2018, identifying vulnerabilities in the Medicare Hospice Program and made 16 recommendations to CMS to strengthen the hospice program.