Archives: 2017, March

Home Health COPs Delayed

By Melinda Gaboury / Posted on: March 31, 2017

CMS just issued a proposed rule that will change the new Home Health CoP rule effective date to January 13, 2018. NAHC and the Forum of State Associations spearheaded an effort to postpone the rule because of the extensive changes that are required and the absence of needed interpretive guidance to properly comply.


How To Access The Provider Statistical & Reimbursement Report

By Aaron Carey / Posted on: March 17, 2017

It is that time of year again. Cost report season for home health and hospice providers. Cost reports are due five months after your agency fiscal year end. For agencies with a 12/31/16 fiscal year end cost reports are due by 05/31/17.


HIPAA for Home Care | Establishing A Compliant Agency

By Drew Rowley / Posted on: March 3, 2017

HIPAA has become an acronym synonymous with healthcare. We see it practiced and preached daily throughout the home care and hospice industry. However, too often breach notifications are at the top of our industry headlines. These breaches are costing our agencies time, money, and patient credibility. If we as agency owners, administrators, and employees understand the severity of a breach then why are breaches still occurring?