It is that time of year again. Cost report season for home health and hospice providers. Cost reports are due five months after your agency fiscal year end. For agencies with a 12/31/16 fiscal year end cost reports are due by 05/31/17. One of the things your cost report preparer will need is the Provider Statistical & Reimbursement (PS&R) report for your agency for 2016.
In addition, all hospice providers must file a self-determined hospice aggregate cap each year. The earliest a hospice may file its self-determined cap is January 31, and the latest is March 31 of each year. The PS&R is utilized in this calculation as well.
In the Daily Newsletter, delivered 03/16/2017, Palmetto GBA provided excellent resources on how to access the PS&R report. Retrieval of PS&R report is not administrative contractor specific so these resources would be applicable to all home health and hospice agencies.
Retrieval of the PS&R report can be a two-step process if agencies have not registered to access their reports. Step one requires user registration and step two is PS&R report retrieval. Follow the links below for clear instruction on both steps. If your agency is already registered as a user proceed directly to step two instructions.