Archives: 2017, November

Opioid Disposal and Destruction – Considerations for Hospices
By Katie Wehri / Posted on: November 17, 2017With the expanding focus on opioid misuse in this country, hospice has gotten some extra attention regarding its responsibilities in this epidemic. Most all hospices were disposing of unused/unwanted medications of hospice patients who were in their home up until late 2014 when the Disposal of Controlled Substances Act (Disposal Act) was finalized and implemented by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Prior to this time, there was not…

2018 Home Health Final Rule
By Melinda Gaboury / Posted on: November 14, 2017The Breaking News that has every one full of excitement and hope is that the 2018 Home Health Final Rule does NOT include finalizing HHGM, at this time, which was set for implementation in 2019! The battle has been won, BUT the war has just begun! Some form of payment reform will occur in home health. It is not…