Archives: 2015, April

Are You Sending Everything Needed for Therapy ADR Review?

By Leslie Heagy, RN, COS-C / Posted on: April 28, 2015

Effective April 1, 2015, Palmetto GBA is requiring additional therapy documentation for all Additional Documentation Request (ADRs) that contain continued therapy services into the subsequent episode. In addition to the…


Medicare Managed Care – Can it be Managed? (Part Three)

By Aaron Carey / Posted on: April 21, 2015

This, the final article in a series of three, will focus on the all-important billing and collections aspect of your relationship with managed care payers. Proper credentialing and meticulous attention…


Medicare Managed Care – Can it be Managed? (Part Two)

By Aaron Carey / Posted on: April 15, 2015

Our last article focused on the complexities of the credentialing process with managed care payers. Part two of this three part series will focus on what happens after credentialing, specifically…


Medicare Managed Care – Can it be Managed?

By Aaron Carey / Posted on: April 6, 2015

As Medicare reimbursement cuts continue agencies will be forced to expand into the managed care and private insurance markets. Doing so is a complicated process that involves contracting, intake process…


Are You Convinced Your Agency is ICD-10 Ready?

By Melinda Gaboury / Posted on: April 1, 2015

The Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) will be conducting both Acknowledgement Testing and End-to-End Testing for ICD-10 readiness. Agencies will not even need to register for Acknowledgement Testing. However, agencies MUST…