Archives: 2018, January

Top Ten Hospice Survey Deficiencies
By Katie Wehri / Posted on: January 22, 2018The top ten hospice Medicare certification/recertification survey deficiencies have remained fairly consistent for the past several years. This article contains the top ten list for 2017. For calendar year 2017, nine of the top ten deficiencies were the same as in calendar year 2016 – with L531 coming on the list at number ten and L591.

Home Health & Hospice PEPPER Reports
By Melinda Gaboury / Posted on: January 15, 2018Over the past couple of years, HPS has reported and discussed that Home Health and Hospice PEPPER Reports are very important and should be reviewed by all agencies. We have also been open about the number of agencies in the country that have never opened the reports. HPS is happy to report that, for the 8 months ending December 20, 2017, 58.5% of all hospices have opened their reports. Only 5 states and 1 territory are below 50%. The sad news is that home care…

Hospice Aggregate Cap Update
By Katie Wehri / Posted on: January 5, 2018Hospices are reminded that the Aggregate Cap calculation is due to their Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) no later than February 28, 2018. This is one month earlier than in the past due to the fact that the cap accounting year for both the inpatient cap and the hospice aggregate cap is being aligned with the federal fiscal year. Not only does this change the due date for the Aggregate Cap calculation it also changes the timeframes used for the calculation.