Archives: 2015, August

Is Canceling RAPs a Strategy for your Agency?

By Melinda Gaboury / Posted on: August 31, 2015

Typically the Home Health and Hospice Medicare MACs follow each other when one begins a new review, develops a new LCD, etc. Palmetto GBA (PGBA) is the largest Medicare MAC…


CMS Issues 2016 FINAL Hospice Rule – Part 2

By Melinda Gaboury / Posted on: August 21, 2015

The FINAL Hospice Payment Rule was released on July 31, 2015 and addresses payment reform. Additionally, the 2016 Final Hospice Rule addresses the Aggregate Cap changes. The 2016 cap year,…


CMS Issues 2016 FINAL Hospice Payment and Quality Rule

By Melinda Gaboury / Posted on: August 7, 2015

The FINAL Hospice Payment Rule was released on July 31, 2015 and addresses payment reform of the routine home care (RHC) level of care by providing a payment of two…