OASIS D data set has been released as proposed and will be in the form of a final rule soon. There has not yet been a release of actual guidance in completing new items added to the OASIS D data set, but the items being removed and added has been proposed.
Below we are providing information about the items removed and the new items added to the OASIS data set for 01/01/2019 implementation. One of the things that agencies need to keep in mind when beginning the education for completion of the new data set, is that many of the new items directly correlate to current OASIS items that remain. There needs to be a review of the conflicts to ensure that we are not saying one thing about the patient in one question and something different in another question. Example: M1840 – Toilet Transferring – this item remains on the OASIS in 2019 and the new version of GG0170 – Mobility also includes a Section F – Toilet Transfer. Agencies need to be aware that this can cause significant medical review issues if inconsistencies exist within the same OASIS document.
For the long list of items to be officially removed from the dataset please see click here.
Items to be added to the data set, effective 01/01/2019, includes the following:
Section GG Functional Abilities and Goals:
GG0100 Prior Functioning: Everyday Activities – this item replaces M1900 –
- New item added to OASIS for standardization, including responses A, B, C & D to align with IRF-PAI and MDS
- Appears in a new section – Section GG Functional Abilities and Goals, to align with standardized sections in other PAC instruments
- Utilizes “patient” language, vs “resident”
GG0110 Prior Device Use –
- New item added to OASIS for standardization, including responses A, B, C, D, E &Z to align with IRF-PAI and MDS
- Appears in a new section – Section GG Functional Abilities and Goals, to align with standardized sections in other PAC instruments
- Utilizes “patient” language, vs “resident”
GG0130 Self-Care –
- New item added to OASIS for standardization
- Appears in a new section – Section GG Functional Abilities and Goals, to align with standardized sections in other PAC instruments
- Utilizes “patient” language, vs “resident”
- Utilizes “SOC/ROC” language, vs “Admission”
- Aligning with IRF-PAI and MDS by not including activity “D – Wash Upper Body”(activity D is included in LCDS), since activity E – Shower/bathe self is more comprehensive and relevant for HH
- HH providers will have the full assessment time frame to complete assessments/data collection.
- Item is added to FU assessment time point; and includes a subset of the SOC/ROC/DC activities – A, B and C. FU assessment response column is numbered “4”
- Only one DC goal required at SOC/ROC only for an activity in either GG0130 orGG0170 (below)
GG0170 Mobility –
- New item added to OASIS for standardization
- Appears in a new section – Section GG Functional Abilities and Goals, to align with standardized sections in other PAC instruments
- Utilizes “patient” language, vs “resident”
- Utilizes “SOC/ROC” language, vs “Admission”
- Activities not included: H1. Does the patient walk? HH providers will have the full assessment time frame to complete assessments/data collection.
- Item added to FU assessment time point; and includes a subset of the SOC/ROC/DC – A, B, C, D, E, F, I, J, L, M, N, Q, R
- FU assessment response column is numbered “4”
- Only one DC goal required at SOC/ROC only for an activity in either GG0130(above) or GG0170
Section J Health Conditions:
J1800. Any Falls Since SOC/ROC, whichever is more recent –
- Appears in a new Section J. Health Conditions to align with standardized sections in other PAC instruments
- New item added to OASIS for standardization, calculation of Falls with major injury QM; data collected at TRN and Death in addition to DC to support QM calculation
- Aligning with IRF-PAI and LCDS
- Utilizes “patient” language, vs “resident”
- Utilizes “SOC/ROC” language, vs “Admission”
- Added “whichever is more recent” to align with MDS (w/multiple possible previous time points “…Since Admission/Entry or Reentry or Prior Assessment(OBRA or Scheduled PPS)”
- Skip pattern for J1800.0 updated to “Skip J1900” as the item that follows J1900will vary depending on the time point for data collection
J1900. Number of Falls since SOC/ROC, whichever is more recent –
- Appears in a new Section J: Health Conditions to align with standardized sections in other PAC instruments
- New item added to OASIS for standardization, calculation of Falls with major injury QM; data collected at TRN and Death in addition to DC to support QM calculation
- Aligned with IRF-PAI and LCDS
- Utilizes “patient” language, vs “resident”
- Utilizes “SOC/ROC” language, vs “Admission”
- Added “whichever is more recent” to align with MDS (w/multiple possible previous time points “…Since Admission/Entry or Reentry or Prior Assessment(OBRA or Scheduled PPS)”
The following link is a comprehensive listing of OASIS items and a summary version of how each will be impacted by OASIS-D.
WATCH OUR COMPLIMENTARY HPS WEBINAR addressing the OASIS-D changes and preparation for its implementation in January 2019!