

Value-Based Purchasing began January 1, 2023 and there were Pre-Implementation Reports issued in iQIES systems, where you find the CASPER reports, in November 2022. They have confirmed and have already released the January Pre-Implementation Reports and there will be another set of those reports released in April.  

It is important to know that they are comparing you to every other agency in your cohort. They are specifically giving you what range you are in as far as the national percentile ranking, but they are doing that on each of the outcome measures, not just as an overall ranking. You can look at each of the individual measures and determine if you are below or above the 50th percentile. If you are in the 51st percentile or higher, you will have a positive result in the calculation of the percentages that will be applied to your payments in 2025.   

They are releasing these in stages because they are trying to incorporate more of the 2022 data, which is the baseline year that was changed with the final rule for 2023 and they do not have all the data because we just finished 2022. For the full performance year of 2023, the very first official reports, not Pre-Implementation, will be released in July. At that point, we should have the final Achievement Thresholds, Benchmarks, and individual agency Improvement Thresholds to be used throughout 2023 in calculating your VBP outcomes, eventual Total Performance Score (TPS), and percentages after the Linear Exchange Function is applied.   

If you need assistance interpreting those reports, please reach out. Healthcare Provider Solutions is ready to assist.  

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