

As a result of updates to the Home Health Value-Based Purchasing Expansion, CMS has introduced a new email address,, for sending questions to the Value-Based Purchasing help desk. Along with the new email address and updates, a new comprehensive resource document has been released that contains a wealth of information and numerous links. This document is designed to aid you in understanding and navigating HH Value-Based Purchasing. It includes recordings of previous webinars, links to the new email address, and documents explaining the calculation methodology and how the measures are determined.

In addition to the email address and resource document, a report from the meeting of the Technical Expert Panel has also been released. This panel consisted of experts from various fields related to home health, who engaged in a thorough and in-depth discussion on multiple aspects of the Value-Based Purchasing Expansion. CMS has released a 24-page document that provides a summary of the conversation that was had by this Technical Expert Panel.

During the discussions, a few key topics covered were the upcoming measures that will be included in 2025, the percentage of weight assigned to these measures in the Value-Based Purchasing calculation, and an in-depth analysis of the current state of performance reports. The panel also examined how these reports are accessed and the limited accessibility to the content.

The primary topics discussed by the Technical Expert Panel were health equity, performance measures, measure weights, and performance reports. In their discussions and subsequent summary, there were concerns raised regarding the exclusion of Medicare Advantage patients from claims-based measures, specifically the Discharge to Community Post Acute Care Measure and the PPH Measure on Hospitalizations. This exclusion was seen as potentially taking away the responsibility of Medicare Advantage plans to ensure positive outcomes with their patients. Some home health agencies may show frustration as a results of this discussion, because they feel inclusion of Medicare Advantage plans could negatively impact their scores. However, there is a valid argument that if Medicare Advantage plans were included, it would increase the weight of responsibility for these plans to ensure positive outcomes with their patients.

The Value-Based Purchasing IPR reports are due this January. These reports will be available in the iQIES system, where you access your Casper reports. It is important to stay updated on these reports. The reports will not include complete data for the entire year of 2023. However, they will provide you with a general understanding of the direction you are heading in with the 2023 calculations.

In terms of measures and calculations, they remain the same in 2024 as they were in 2023. Any modifications mentioned in the final rule from last year and the Technical Expert Panel report, pertain to changes that will be implemented in 2025.

Healthcare Provider Solutions is here to support you with any needs you have regarding Value-Based Purchasing. As we look ahead to 2025, there will be a focus on the GG section of your OASIS. We are prepared to offer your agency comprehensive education on completing those GG items. If HPS can assist you in any way, please feel free to reach out to us.

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