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AHHC of NC & SCHCHA 2023 Hospice Reimbursement Workshop

Speaker(s): Melinda A. Gaboury, COS-C, CEO

Category: Hospice

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Speaker(s): Melinda A. Gaboury, COS-C, CEO

About the Speaker(s)

Melinda A. Gaboury, with more than 30 years in home care, has over 22 years of executive speaking and educating experience, including extensive day to day interaction with home care and hospice professionals.  She routinely conducts Home Care and Hospice Reimbursement Workshops and speaks at state association meetings throughout the country.  Melinda has profound experience in Medicare PDGM training, billing, collections, case-mix calculations, chart reviews and due diligence.  UPIC, RA, ADR & TPE appeals with all Medicare MACs have become the forefront of Melinda’s current impact on the industry.

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AHHC of NC & SCHCHA 2023 Hospice Reimbursement Workshop Jan 12
9:00 am - 4:00 pm EST
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About the Event

Medicare Hospice Regulations continue to be updated and 2023 is no different. The 2023 Regulatory update includes updates to the Hospice payment rates, clarifications on the election statement addendum and updates to the Hospice Quality Reporting Program (HQRP).  PEPPER is an ever-increasing concern for medical review targeting.  Do you know where your agency stands in regard to PEPPER targets? Be among the elite group of hospice professionals that are current on all Hospice Medicare reimbursement related regulations. This workshop will lay a concrete foundation for hospice billers, as well as, any hospice staff that need to more effectively understand the Medicare regulations. This workshop will include field by field on Notice of Election, NOTR, claim forms and sequential billing requirements. The workshop will detail the CMS Targeted Probe & Educate demonstration while also reviewing the regulations for face-to-face encounters and pre-claim reviews that should be conducted prior to filing claims. The workshop will conclude with analyzing the PEPPER information and how hospices can work toward improvement in their scores.
If you have any part in the responsibility of reimbursement in your hospice this workshop is a must.
1.  List the basic eligibility requirements for initiating Hospice and Billing to Medicare
2.  Conduct overview of eligibility requirements for the Hospice Benefit
3.  Review Notice of Election Details
4.  Detail criteria for line item billing Hospice Notice of Election and Claims to Medicare
5.  Filing claims with NOE Exception details
6.  Physician Billing
7.  Review Hospice Face-to-Face Requirements
8.  Impact of the Public Health Emergency (PHE)
9.  Audit Risks – CMS Targeted Probe & Educate, SMRC, UPIC, RAC
10. List the Target areas for Hospice PEPPER and the use of data