This Monday Minute with Melinda video clip gives you some highlights of the just issued proposed rule and resources for obtaining details.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to our Monday minute. Today we are going to talk about the 2022 Hospice Proposed Rule. The Hospice Proposed Rule was released on April 8, 2021 and contains an overwhelming amount of information as far as proposed changes to hospice. Believe it or not, they even threw in a Home Health Quality Reporting Program issue our proposed element, I should say. Some of the key components, which we could never cover everything in this one little video clip, but some of the highlights include a 2.3% proposed increase in the rates for hospice in 2022. In addition to that, there is also information in the proposed rule about the Quality Reporting Program changes that they’re anticipating making for hospice.
As I mentioned, the Home Health Quality Reporting Program is set to resume public reporting in January of 2022. They stuck it in the hospice proposed rule because it has to be approved by October in order for them to implement what they need to in January of 2022. In addition to that, the Hospice Proposed Rule also includes some very needed and detailed clarifications on the hospice addendum that went into place in October of last year. These are only a few of the very many, many changes that are included in this proposed rule. But I wanted to take a second to make sure that you knew that the proposed rule was out there and also let you know that we will be sending out a blog on the details of the proposal. It probably will turn into two blogs because there’s so much information. There is also a CMS scheduled open door forum to address the Hospice Proposed Rule on April 13. The National Association for Home Care and Hospice has a webinar scheduled for this proposed rule on April 22. We will be doing a 90 minute webinar for HPS Alliance members on April 29, all specific to the Hospice Proposed Rule for 2022.
Thank you all for participating today. Let us know if you have any additional questions or any information regarding the webinars I’ve spoken about or just need help in general. Also, make sure you stay tuned to your state homecare associations and the National Association for Home Care and Hospice who fight for you on a daily basis.
If you enjoyed today’s content be sure to check out the HPS Alliance where members receive exclusive content, webinars, and ongoing updates from our industry-leading educators.
Additional Resources:
HPS Alliance Webinar: 2022 Hospice Proposed Rule
Proposed Rule –
CMS Open Door Forum –
NAHC webinar –